O.K., I clearly didn't have drinks with Ghandi (I wanted a burger, he .... was dead). But since Mr. Big Shot "I know important people and want to alienate my new co-workers" had to brag, I wanted to show off, too.
So he blew off the Mayor's reception for Bill Clinton, and sent me in his stead. I went, I saw, and I didn't dance on any tables. Mainly because they only served wine and beer (it takes a lot more to get me that drunk). It was pretty cool, though. The reception was so that NY filmmakers could meet all the government type people who could help them make films in NY. So there were reps from IATSE, NY Parks, NY Bridges, NY Film Office, etc., etc. They basically told of all the places you could film for free and where the best deals are. I spoke on a panel earlier that day, so many of the filmmakers had already heard my schpiel - I walked in to people shouting, "Hey, SAGIndie Lady!". I talked with a few more, had a couple of delicious crab cakes, and a little over an hour later, was on my way back to my hotel.
It's a quiet trip, since Paul weaseled out of working by faking a home emergency (I want pictures). I'm puttering around NY, hanging out, trying not to shop. I'll be home over the weekend, and then I get to come back to the new office digs!!! I'm sure my office is lavish.
Later today, I will be at the IFP NY Awards Luncheon to watch Giancarlo Esposito give out the Gordon Parks Awards. It's always a great afternoon and some lucky filmmaker and screenwriter will win cash prizes. Then, I'm coming home!!! Now, I've got to go. The Queen of England is waiting for me to join her for waffles.