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November 02, 2006



I'm sure they'll kill it as dead as they did the Matrix franchise.

Deli Heluna

yeah, it'd have to be the Wachowski brothers to recreate Speed Racer and do it right. but seriously, another Car Racing movie?! and in PG. I don't think I'll bring my kids to watch it. I don't want them growing up thinking that Car Racing is cool. I want my children to think toward Alternative Planet-Saving modes of transportation. Non pollutive vehicles, etc.. Okay, I sound like a hippy New Ager or something but seriously, Global Warming is caused by automobile pollutants and the Speed Racer movie perpetuates such a mentality.

Whatever happened to their other movie: "The Axis" or "DreamScapesAxis " I thought this was next ?

Deli Heluna

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