Now that the industry is all a-buzz with worries of a possible WGA strike, suddenly these students, free from any shackles of that fussbudget union (harrumph, harrumph), are probably looking less horrifying than they were here.
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Now that the industry is all a-buzz with worries of a possible WGA strike, suddenly these students, free from any shackles of that fussbudget union (harrumph, harrumph), are probably looking less horrifying than they were here.
Posted by Eliza Hajek on December 20, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Like nearly everywhere else (notable exception being the post office) things slow down here at SAGIndie during the holidays. Because of this To Catch A Predator clips have been my obsession today. Chris Hanson has the best job probably in the whole world. Oh sure my job can be pretty fun -- after all, I'm [technically] on the clock as I watch these -- but somehow it still doesn't quite compare to the job of actually being there, confronting a 41-year-old who's shown up at a pre-teen's house with a penis pump, bag of fast food and box Trojans (ribbed for her pleasure - how thoughtful). Yes, loyal readers, the pervs are showering their womenchildren with gifts of Burger King and condoms. BURGER KING! I mean, I appreciate my fast food nowadays, but only since the realization that I am no longer a teenager and therefore too old to demand, say, Olive Garden when being woo-ed.
Posted by Eliza Hajek on December 19, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I've been apologizing to people for the last five days straight. I'm sorry. My production company's email server went berzerk on Wednesday, allowing people who responded to a mass email to respond to my ENTIRE list. First one person did so. Then another. Then somone responded asking not to be included on the responses. And all went to shit from there.
Literally hundreds of emails started flooding through my server back and forth between people asking to be removed from the list, asking people to stop responding, asking to be kept on the list, fighting with each other, joking with each other, blah blah blah blah blah. For three hours we tried to get through to our email server to shut our 3000+ name list down. When they finally did it was too late as emails already in the cue just kept on rolling out until late in the evening. And for every one email everyone out there received, I got three or four separately, plus phone calls, IM's and text messages.
It was like watching a slow motion train wreck only, after a while, it became ridiculously funny. I felt like Larry David sitting there for hours with my chin on my chest watching every contact we have in the industry get totally inundated by emails from our server, pissing off major producers, distributors, TV execs, directors, etc. My partner was so freaked out he thought we'd have to change our company name and go on the lam.
Now we're trying to spin the whole thing as Plug Ugly Films' version of a punk rock X-mas party. And we're looking for a new email server. Thankfully lots of people have contacted us and absolved us of our guilt, made us feel better about the fiasco and even encouraged us to do it again. Which of course, we won't.
All of this and all we wanted was for people to go vote for our Willowz music video on
Plug Ugly - oi!
Posted by Michael Sladek on December 18, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
So Scott and I finally emerged from the pits of despair after Paul's last day, only to find DMG had a remarkably speedy recovery from said trauma and has lit off to celebrate her holiday somewhere very warm and exciting, promising "Presents when I get back!!" on her way out the door, laughing all the way to the airport, I'm sure, as she thinks of us huddled like the little match girl in our meat locker of an office. Ah, yes. Happy Holidays indeed.
Despite the abundance of alcohol this time of year (I like gin, Scott likes scotch - in case you're short on gift ideas) and the ready availability of it, we've managed to stay stomach pump free just long enough to toil away at figuring out who we can hire to hang out with us at Sundance. As a gift to you (Mom), I promise a daily update, at least until the end of the week, when we will be officially entering hibernation until 2 January.
And, finally, a message to "Jimmy" from the LA County Prison: I'm not going to tell you again, we cannot accept any more of your collect calls. It's good to know, though, that you have enough free time to call us several times a day!!
PS: Your shiv's in the mail.
Posted by Eliza Hajek on December 18, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
If the latest Rocky sequel, Britney's "crazy monkey", and Rosie O'Donnell's Ching-Chong Meltdown aren't enough to convince you that the apocalypse is nigh, then try to wrap your mind around these two words: Rambo. 4.
Yup, he's back - tanned, rested, botoxed beyond all recognition, and armed to the teeth. Now, I don't know about you, but I've spent the two decades since the last Rambo movie not thinking about how much I missed Stallone's drooling, dropping visage leering out at me from the Coke-stained screen of my local multiplex. Because I don't. Apparently, though, there is an audience for ghastly, ancient, steroid-cases, as long as guns and explosions are involved.
The saddest thing about this whole sorry mess? The Weinstein's are actually going to the mat to assert their rights of first refusal to this steaming pile of reheated excrement. Et tu, bros?
Again: apocalypse. I better start practicing for the end times war with the latest Left Behind religious intolerance training software video game. I'd advise you to do the same.
Posted by Scott Garner on December 12, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: apocalypse, britney, crazy monkey, rambo, weinstein brothers
Maybe it's the bathtub gin going to my head (again), but first I was convinced to see Casino Royale this weekend (I know, right?), but on top of that I actually found myself reconsidering my previous dismissal of Daniel Craig as too similar that thing that chased Sonny Bono and Julia-Louis Dreyfuss around in that movie...what was it called? Oh, right. Troll. But then, somehow, I was convinced to attend an action movie (ew!). An action movie that I actually ended up liking! Starring a man, though not as masculine as my all-time favorite, I now find oddly alluring.
...and then I found this: Bond 22: Electric Boogaloo? (The Gay One)
Posted by Eliza Hajek on December 05, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Lord knows I don't want to upstage our fearless leader's departure but he's trained me to fear being fired if I don't blog promptly goes:
(Read with a dramatic Movietones voice):
Around 250 people convened up at St. Malachy’s Church’s Actor’s Chapel in Midtown Manhattan for a lively panel discussion about how actors can create their own projects and their own breaks in the industry. Panelists Charles Busch, Michael Showalter, Cynthia Katz of The Artist’s Group East, and Amy Dotson of IFP had great advice for the packed room. Lead by Michael Sládek, SAGIndie’s man in New York
Actor/Writer/Directors Busch, Showalter, and Sládek all spoke of their personal backgrounds making the leap from struggling actors to hyphenates creating their own projects to various ends. Ms. Katz gave great advice regarding actors in the agency world while Ms. Dotson answered questions regarding IFP and the process of developing projects in the industry.
And yes, I did write this as if it weren't actually me writing it. Creepy huh?
Posted by Michael Sladek on December 05, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
No, I am NOT Going into Rehab
But maybe I should.
Posted by Scott Garner on December 01, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: independent film, news, paul bales, sagindie, the asylum
MovieMaker Magazine, the best-selling on independent film in the world, is offering SAG members a FREE 6-month subscription. For all the details, and to take advantage of this great offer, click here.
Posted by Scott Garner on December 01, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: free, magazine, moviemaker, offers